6 ways to prevent lyme disease

Every year there is more than thirty thousand American  get infected by Lyme disease.
almost all the people doesn't even know about the danger  of the Lyme.
lucky us, there is  some ways you and your loved ones, can do to prevent tick bites and reduce the risk of get the illness to your system.
Notice this article is mostly important in anybody visiting Mid-Atlantic states
and the upper Midwest, not to mention some countries in Europe where we find ticks common, like Ireland.

protect from tick bites by understand where ticks lives and avoid contact:

usually the ticks lives in moist and humid areas. and you may encounter some of them while walking in nature and maybe on your back-yard.

so to prevent such bites you possible should avoid sitting on grass, leafs from trees
and walk on semantic trails to avoid all the leafs from trees.
( that one of ways to stay away from bites of the ticks)
however we find this method to be nearly a theory, because it is hard, if you visiting these areas , is most likely for vacation and you may have little kids with you, and they are very hard to control and they will get near leafs.

Repellent or Permethrin:

this is a very practical method to avoid tick bites:

repellent: apply gently on your skin and your loved ones and can protect you for several hours, and should avoid the hands, eyes and mouth while applying this product.
and read the instruction on the bottle+, the more careful you are, the more safer and you and your family will be.
Permethirn: treat your gear like boots and  camping gear with that, and it can last few days and survive several equipment washing.

check for ticks after every outdoor activity:

Check your body for ticks, search the entire body for ticks, Using a hand-held mirror to view all parts of your body. epically take a closer look at this parts:

Under the arms
back and inside of the ears
around the knee
hairy places: head, body hair
wash your clothes everyday

Remove any attached tick you as soon as you notice it.

reason is why because if the tick attached time if it is less than one day, it will reduce the risk of getting the Lyme disease , and always be alert for any kind of rush or fever.

Check the animals for ticks:

Every day check your pets for ticks, and 2 times in the week a shower for pet would be better, but the favorite number are 3.

The best is to tick-proof  back-yard:

Clear the brushes and  clean leaves where ticks may live, always keep woodpiles in the sun. and keep the play ground for the kids away from bushes and dark places.

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